House Cleaning Services in Singapore

5 Great Tips to Keep your House Clean

Everybody loves a clean home to come back to relax after a hard day’s work. But keeping a house clean on a daily basis may seem like a simple task but is it? Life in Singapore is pretty busy for most young families where both the husband and wife usually have to work. So finding the time and energy to do house cleaning can be a challenging demand.

House Cleaning Services in SingaporeHowever housekeeping to maintain the cleanliness of the home may be a mundane task but a necessary one. And one of the reasons this is not done regularly or properly is that young couples here in Singapore usually do not care about cleaning let alone how to do it.

We are sharing some of the useful tips below to help you make cleaning the house a better and easier experience to enjoy.

1.       Declutter the house

Having too many things lying around the house will tire you just looking at them before you even start cleaning them. And when you actually get down to cleaning them, you would waste so much time cleaning things that you don’t need or use often. Besides wasted time is also spent on moving these things around while you clean.

A decluttered home will always look more inviting and cosy than a home filled with too many unsightly items.

2.       Don’t do it at one go

Time is limited and so is your energy level especially if you are a working couple. So trying to clean the whole house well at one go may be too demanding and stressful for you.  You can decide what is important to be done on a daily basis and what can be done on a less frequent basis. For example, the cleanliness of the floor may be very important to you, your family and your pets. Then cleaning the floor may be a daily task. For areas that do not get dirty easily like the windows, you can plan to clean those on a weekly or fortnightly basis. 

3.       Get the right cleaning equipment and cleaning solutions

Having the proper equipment like a simple window squeeze will help cut down the time for cleaning the windows and give you better results.  And if you are cleaning the greasy surfaces in the kitchen, you definitely want to have a good and effective degreaser. And if you are a nature lover, you would one to get the eco-friendly type. For reaching out to high places like the ceiling lights and fans, you have to have a secure ladder.

So think about where you need to clean and what kind of dirt or grime you need to remove. Then look for and purchase the proper cleaning equipment and cleaners for those tasks.

And definitely you need a good vacuum cleaner for picking up all the dirt and dust around the house.

4.       Enjoy the cleaning session

While cleaning the house can be boring and mundane, you can make it more interesting. Create the atmosphere and the vibe. For example put on some soothing or energetic music while you clean. Make yourself a cup of coffee to enjoy in between cleaning and taking a break. Learn and challenge yourself to make the cleaning faster and making dull surfaces pop again. You can google for these cleaning ideas. Lastly reward yourself after you have completed a major cleaning task. Have a good dinner planned or a sauna or massage session booked.

5.       Hire the professionals

If cleaning is not your cup of tea or you are just too busy to even consider that, then the only solution is to hire a cleaning company to provide you with the professional cleaning services.

Eunike Living is a reputable professional cleaning services in Singapore which you can contact with your house cleaning needs. The services that Eunike Living include not only the regular maintenance cleaning for your home but one time deep cleaning like Post Tenancy cleaning, House Cleaning Services in Singapore.


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